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Devon's First Easter Egg Hunt

Learning the Ropes

This past weekend we took Devon to his first Easter egg hunt at Hamilton Park. It was an interesting day for all of us as Erin and I discovered that we should not tell him beforehand what we would be doing later. Cause if it sounds exciting enough to him, he has no problems skipping his afternoon nap time in anticipation. And it's not like we upsold him on it or anything. I just casually mentioned that we'd go looking for eggs later.

There's One!

Actually it was the first Easter egg hunt for all three of us. Maybe not for me, but if I had went on any in my youth, I certainly don't remember them now. But kudos to the Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association for setting this up. Plus it turned out to be a gorgeous day weather-wise for such an outing.


So turnout was pretty good and luckily we made it on time. As usual, Devon looked a little bewildered at the crowd of people about us but he also spotted the little plastic eggs dotting the landscape immediately. We milled about while waiting for the hunt to start and when the trumpet blew, headed off to the nearest open field. Luckily we wandered in the right direction as they had sectioned off parts of the park by age group and we happened to walk onto the 2-4 section.

This Goes In Here

It didn't take him too long to figure out what he was supposed to do and with that, he was off! We'd lead him to egg-laden areas and he'd clean 'em out. Overall the pace wasn't all that hectic but it did wind down relatively quickly as kids can be pretty fast at gathering stuff. Which is why I mentioned that it was lucky that we arrived on time. If we were late by 15-20 minutes, the egg hunt itself would have already been over.

Surveying the Area

So for his first Easter egg hunt, I thought Devon made out like a bandit. He came away with 24 eggs in his little basket. Unfortunately none of them had orange slips in them which apparently meant you would win some prize but the little candy and toys inside them (plus the actual plastic egg shell themselves) kept him pretty occupied and happy as is.


Afterward he climbed up the big, central gazebo in the park to watch some older boys climbing and jumping up and around a short gate at the top.


Then he relinquished his basket of eggs to Erin for a while so he can try out this new (to him) slide.

Happy Camper

Then he settled down at a nearby table to take a closer look at his loot.


While there another young boy, Cody, stopped by to look at Devon's stash. Cody unfortunately had arrived late with his mother so had missed out on the hunt. So I gave one to him which didn't make Devon happy. But when we requested that he give Cody another one, he did so without complaining. We left Cody with 3 eggs before Devon wandered off.

Waiting to be Fed

Mission accomplished, we headed off to our regular weekend food court at Mitsuwa to grab a late lunch. He even stayed awake for most of the ride home. He only napped for an hour at most before awakening. First word out of his mouth? "Egg."

Comments (1)

Man, his basket was *full*! He's an egg hunting machine!! Sounds like it was good times. :)

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