So this morning I have Devon in my lap at my desk and he's rummaging around like he normally does. He grabs the little Kagami figure (thanks, Lee) that's sitting on top of my KVM switch and throws it to the floor causing it to separate from the little stand that it's usually on. I pick it up, give him a brief scolding and put it back in place. Devon moves on to the loose lens caps lying around on the desk.
A little while later, he picks Kagami up again so, using my "I'm giving you warning" voice, I tell him he better not throw her or else he'll be in big trouble. He holds on to her for a few seconds, and then indicates that he wants to get off my lap and onto the floor. Once on the floor. he separates Kagami from her stand and then neatly places her and the stand on the floor pretty much exactly where she had landed when he previously tossed her. And then he shoots me a "Well, I didn't throw her" look.
I couldn't help but laugh.