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Halloween Loot

Halloween Loot

Just a few shots of the aftermath of Devon's first trick-or-treating expedition. While taking him around, we would tell him to take only one piece of candy per house which he actually abided by surprisingly enough. But we weren't very strict about enforcing the rule if the homeowner offered him one or two more and he wasn't about to refuse either. ;-p


His favorite candy is still the lollipop. Although overall he's not a big candy eater. He loves unwrapping them, taking a lick/bite or two, and then handing the rest to Mommy or Daddy so he can tear open the next one. So after a while we left the hard candy items out for him to explore and hid all the chocolate.


There was one particular household (unfortunately I forget which one otherwise I'd make sure to go back to them every year) that took Halloween very seriously. They handed out an orange Halloween-themed packet that contained two candy bars and a small jar of Play-Doh. Good thing this stuff is now made out of wheat cause Devon did take a few licks. ;-p


Personally I'd completely forgotten about Play-Doh but the distinctive smell brought back memories. And Devon seemed to enjoy it after I started showing him all the fun things you can do with it. =)

Comments (4)

Wow! Is that his first experience with Play Doh? That's awesome!


Yup, first encounter with the 'doh. I suppose we may have to get a few different colored jars for him since having only one color does get boring after awhile. ;-p

That first picture of him with the crooked smile and the pot of doh is so awesome. It's going to come back to haunt him when he's in high school. :)


Dude, he's soo cute! Look at your little spider.

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