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A New Addition: The Lensbaby Composer

Lensbaby Composer Box

So LensBaby announced their new lineup a few months ago and I pre-ordered the Composer and promptly forgot about it until it showed up at work the other day. I had previously owned their 3G version (now known as the "Control Freak") which I played around with a little before craigslisting.

Slide Out

The new packaging is a lot more colorful and fancier than the old. First have to slide it out of the sleeve.

Box Top

Then the box opens up from the top to reveal...

Open Box

The manual with a cute little welcome to your Lensbaby ownership. And underneath that...

Lensbaby Revealed

The Lensbaby nestled securely within. Although it is a bit of a pain to get it out of there.

Lensbaby Composer

So besides the Composer you get the little magnetic aperture disc removal and storage tool (which hasn't changed from the previous models) and a black cloth pouch for storage. Haven't had much time to play around with it yet but here's a few I took of a chandelier. The Composer is nice in that you no longer have all these knobs and stuff that you have to set and twist but I'm interested to see how long this ball and socket design will last before it starts getting too loose. And it seems like at large apertures you really can't push the lens all the way to the edges cause the focus sweet spot goes completely out of view. Will need to work with it more to be sure.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2008 5:48 PM.

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