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My Muse

Yeah yeah I'm still waaaay behind on Devon's gallery but I just wanted to put these few up right now. =)


Whenever he does anything that he's proud of, he'll clap for himself. It's funny and cute as hell but I just pretend that it's nothing special so it doesn't get to his head. ;-p

All Grown Up?

What is it? I have an important phone call to make.


Not the best composition (darn short tree) but the moment would have been lost if I got into a better position.

Dual Spades

Apparently he loves dirty gardening tools. Who knew?

Anyone Home?

All right I want to go in now...

Comments (1)


hi, these photos are awesome-I was truly taken aback by how vivid they are, some of the best I have ever seen on the web. Is it possible to share some tips about how you took such excellent photos? The equipment you used, settings (if manual),any photo-shop processing was done etc.. i would love to have memories like these for my 2-year old son

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2008 11:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Amazon Juggernaut Marches On.

The next post in this blog is Babble.

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