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My iPhone 3G's New Armor

So if Google Analytics is any indication, there's a bunch of iPhonatics out there eagerly waiting for CoZip to update their polycarbonate slim fit case to fit the new 3G. I was one of those fanatics. Well, if you don't care about the brand (and you probably wouldn't since these things are all made in China anyway), and you don't mind feeling a bit ripped off, you can hit Amazon right now and pick up this Apple iPhone 3G Soft Polycarbonate Slim Fit Case + Screen Protector.

The good? It's pretty much exactly like the CoZip except it's got a ribbed texture running down the back and the right and left sides for less slippage.

The bad? They're charging you $25 for it compared to the CoZip which starts at $7. That's a pretty big rip. Sure you also get a screen protector but this thing is possibly the crappiest piece of clear plastic masquerading as a screen protector that I've ever seen. It's thick and it's not even cut smoothly. The edges on the bottom corners are all jagged. First thing I did was toss it in the garbage.

The eh... There's no hole in the back to let the Apple logo show through. Instead there's a "Kroo" logo. I know this may matter to some people more than others. It's a non-issue for me.

So there you have it. A slim polycarbonate case for the iPhone 3G has hit the market. Do with this info what you will.

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