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My iPhone 3G Armor

So the first thing I did upon arriving at the office on Friday with my new iPhone 3G was hit my favorite screen protector provider to see if they had one compatible for the new phone. And they did, so one's winging it's way to me now and will hopefully be here in a week or so.

And since I was at the Short Hills Mall earlier today I decided to drop by the Apple Store to laugh at the losers in line waiting to get their iPhone 3G check out what cases they had that would be worthwhile. ;-p And that's how I left the store with a black eye, torn shirt and bloody knuckles the Agent18 SHIELD. Also picked up a Power Support Crystal Film Set to use while my Brando ones are on the way.

First up was the crystal film set. While Brando is still my one true love, these protectors from Power Support aren't half bad. Pretty easy to put on and fit perfectly too. My application method is to make sure the cutout on the bottom fits around the main button perfectly first and then apply the rest of the protector upwards.

The Agent18 SHIELD fits perfectly as well. Since I rarely drop my gadgets, my case tendencies trend towards those that are as thin as possible that will protect against daily wear and tear and scratches. I started off with a similar clear, form-fitting plastic case for my original iPhone last year but came to dislike it eventually because even though it was form-fitting, dust and dirt and stuff still found a way in between the phone and the case so you had to periodically open it up to clean things out. I don't think this Agent18 case will be any different so I'm still keeping an eye out for CoZip. But the Agent18 does seem to fit a bit better than the one I had before so we'll see. It also has a ribbed texture on the left and right sides for better grip.

Comments (2)

Hi !

Have you received the brando ultraclear for the iphone 3G ?

Can you take a picture of the iphone 3G with it, please :D ?

Thanks in advance for that !!


Hi, I received it awhile ago but have not yet used it because the Power Support one is still functioning just fine. Once it starts getting a bit nasty I'll switch it over.

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