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Everyone Needs Their Own Space(s)

So I was quite excited to read Gruber's post on the changes Apple made to Spaces in the latest 10.5.3 update. Like Gruber, the limitation that Spaces had prior to 10.5.3 also prevented me from using it. Just played around with it and the current implementation is much more in line with how I'd like to use it so it's another feature that I can finally use. However, there's still a quirk that doesn't quite fit with how I like to work. Namely, what it does when an application is hidden.

Let's say I have Firefox windows open on multiple spaces and then hide the app. If I switch to another space and then command-Tab to Firefox, Spaces teleports me back to the space where I had originally hidden Firefox, even though the current space I'm in also has a Firefox window. I would much rather Spaces just unhides the app in the space that I'm currently in. Only if the current space doesn't have a window for the app should it send me to one that does.

Anyhoo, it remains to be seen if they ever change this but for now I'm just happy they've gotten as far as it is right now.

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