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Another Year...

Macross Frontier

another Macross series. =) Not to make it sound like they make a lot of them but this is definitely one long-running title. The last Macross series I watched was Macross Zero which was actually quite good. Prior to that there was Macross Plus which I also enjoyed but which seemed a bit removed from the original Macross story. I have yet to watch Macross 7 because I've heard bad things about it but I suppose one day I can go back and take a look. As for the newest incarnation, Macross Frontier, well... they've definitely sexed it up a bit. As typical with the Macross line, the action is top-notch as is the animation for the most part but the story so far is just ok. Watching Valkyrie battle action never gets old for me so I'll definitely be sticking with this one till the end.

Comments (2)


Another year, another series? You sure you're not confusing Macross with Gundam?

Plus and Zero were OK. But, took themselves too seriously for a series in which humanity is saved from aliens by pop singing idols, and as such didn't really feel like sequels. I'm liking this series a lot so far. Frontier throws in plenty of homage to the original series (and to 7) without being a rehash.

I was ready to dislike the bishi hero. But, he isn't too annoying, and his bishi-ness is satire fodder. They also hopped on the moe bandwagon too. However, Ranka = win, especially when dancing to the "nyan nyan" jingle. I'm not sure yet about Zentran lolis, though.


Ha, that's true, Gundam would probably have fit the title of this post better but I haven't watched Gundam since the 08th MS Team.

You were right about the changes between the Macross F Preview episode from last year and the actual first episode. They made Sheryl much more diva-ish and I don't even remember Alto's 2 buddies being part of SMS.

None of the characters in Macross F really do it for me yet. I just watch it for the mecha action. =)

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