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All Things Fishy...


It's going to be fun using this lens.


Even though the focusing motor's a little loud without USM.

Devon Fished

And gotta keep that exposed bulbous element away from curious hands.

Comments (4)

Wow! That is sweet!! I love that first icicle shot. Of course, I have no idea where you're finding icicles these days...


Heh, they're doing construction on a building a block from work and for some reason it involves using a lot of water that just comes out of the side of the building and all over the scaffolding.


Eh, who's the kid??


Dude, you gotta put the kid in a red shirt and yellow pants and give him a white dog for Halloween. That would be so cool!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2008 9:38 AM.

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The next post in this blog is It's not the size....

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