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Another Year, More Gadgets to Collect

Hmm... it appears that hard drive manufacturers are on a roll with their notebook drives this past year. It's been what, a month and a half since I upgraded my MBP's drive to what was the latest and greatest then, a Western Digital 320GB. Today, Hitachi announced their new 400 and 500GB models due out in February. Half a freakin' terabyte. In a laptop. Freakin' A. Normally, I'd be all over that come February but unfortunately, this new drive is 12.5mm thick which won't fit in the slim MBP (9.5mm). Curse Apple and their 1" thick laptops! ;-p

But, these new drives will probably fit in the new Lenovo IdeaPads. It's been a couple of years since Lenovo took over IBM's notebook business and in that time, the quality of the Thinkpad line has suffered a bit (if our experiences at work with them is any indication). But Lenovo's finally venturing back into the consumer market with this IdeaPad line that looks not too bad. Gone is the distinctive matte black that was the signature Thinkpad style. It's still black, just a bit glossier. Gone also is the red trackpoint that was another staple of the Thinkpad line. It's definitely not light, with the 15" weighing in at 6.4 pounds but that would explain why it's also pretty cheap. I'm not sure why they bothered pointing out their "Frameless Screen" though since it's not frameless and it's not even that thin. Anyway, it's not something I would get for personal use but I could see myself looking into it if my parent's wanted to upgrade and I wound up not moving them to Apple.

First quarter of this year has the potential to be wallet-lightening of epic proportions with MacWorld starting on the 14th and then the PMA on the 31st. If everything that's supposed to be announced is actually announced, I'm freakin' screwed. =)

[UPDATE]: Awwwww yeaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Looks like I'll be having that half a terabyte in my MBP after all. Just gotta wait an additional month.

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