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Obligatory Happy New Year Post

Damn, just noticed that I haven't posted in a bit over a week. Probably won't post anything substantive until I finish transferring all my 2007 photos (~140GB worth) onto my external backup so I can clear out my MBP drive for this year. You would think it'd be something easy like dragging and dropping my iPhoto Library folder to my external drive but no, nothing in technology's ever that simple. For some unknown reason my external drive doesn't seem to like one-time transfers of data greater than ~12GB. More than that and it just craps out. It doesn't disconnect from the MBP, it just becomes unresponsive. Can't unmount it, can't do crap except do a hard reboot of my MBP. So I have to manually copy over data in bite-size chunks. *sigh*

Anyways, hope everyone had at least a good 2007 and best wishes for the new year! =)

Comments (3)

Happy New Year. :)

You try tar? It's pretty awesome at moving stuff - and even if you can only move it in chunks, at least you can script it!


Tar? As in the compression format? That'd just be unnecessarily adding a step or two. I'm backing the library up to the external drive so I can point iPhoto to it if need be so no compression at this stage.

Scripting eh? One of these days I'll have to start looking into that stuff.

I use tar to move files because it preserves time and permissions as much as possible. something like:

tar -cf - 200701 | (cd /Volumes/external/; tar -xf -)

basically copies the 200701 directory (and everything inside) to the external dir while preserving as much as possible of the meta data.

Then you can just put a bunch of those in a file and execute it and it'll just happen while you sleep. :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 2, 2008 1:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Another Year, More Gadgets to Collect.

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