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Look Ma! No Wires!


A certain product was brought to my attention recently that I think would be quite appealing to point and shoot photographers: the Eye-Fi. It's basically a 2GB SD card with built-in wireless that automatically transfers photos via 802.11 to your computer or a whole gaggle of online photo sites. Unfortunately for me, this first iteration doesn't support sending videos or RAW files so it's not a workable solution since the only camera we have that uses SD cards (Powershot TX1) we use mostly for video and I shoot RAW with my 5D but if they get around to adding the functionality then I'd be all over it. It's also rather pricey, coming in at $99 when you can get a regular 2GB SD card for under $15. What if you have a camera that only uses CF cards? Then this SD to CF adapter should do the trick. While for the pro photog it's probably no replacement for dedicated wireless transmitters that are around for dSLRs, it also doesn't cost a freakin' grand either.

So I'm hoping these guys do well cause then they'll have the ability to add the functionality that I need into it as well as maybe branch out into other memory card types, namely CF. =) Although I wonder why they don't have a CF version as well. If they can cram the wireless transmitter into the size of an SD card, CF should be a cake walk then.

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