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Odd Tagline

So I'm listening to 92.3 K-Rock in the car as I normally do when a commercial for a new strip club comes on. In it, they promise that all their girls are under 200 pounds and that there are only TWO UGLY GIRLS. Emphasis, theirs. They repeat that last part a few times throughout the spot. I'm a little confused about their advertising strategy. Why only two? And how ugly is ugly? And doesn't emphasizing that there's only two make it seem like the main attraction to their place are the TWO UGLY GIRLS? And how do the TWO UGLY GIRLS feel about this? Do they know that they're the TWO UGLY GIRLS? I'm assuming they do. And were they hired specifically to be the two ugly ones in a room full of hotties?

I think this bears investigating. Listeners of K-Rock get free admission. Anyone wanna come? ;-p

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 17, 2007 4:44 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Mashups aren't just for Web 2.0.

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