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Getting the Next Generation Started Early...

Automoblox C9R

on ruining the environment with gas guzzlers. Was wandering around the Eslite bookstore yesterday and ran into these awesome, modular wood cars in their little children's toy section. Erin mentioned she had seen them online already plus that they were for older kids (3+). But I think Devon would have fun with them since he likes cars and things with wheels.

But digging around on the Interweb about the brand revealed an interesting article on the beginnings of the company that documents the perils of navigating the Chinese/foreigner business relationship. Written back in February of 2005, this predates the huge lead-laden Chinese toy recalls of earlier this year which is the only thing that gives me slight pause when it comes to actually purchasing these toy cars since they are still manufactured in China.

Even if Devon can't appreciate them now, I could still start stockpiling/collecting them now for when he's of age. Especially those limited-edition models. ;-p Just hope Devon doesn't lose interest in wheeled toys by that time.

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