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Sign of Success

Martinelli's Apple Juice

Martinelli's produces the best apple juice I've ever had. Nectar of the gods material. If you're an apple juice fan, this is the Holy Grail. I've been drinking their juice sparingly for years, mainly because they were so damn hard to find in stores. So I was quite happy to see that I was slowly able to find them in more and more high-end supermarkets in NJ and bodegas in NYC. Until one day I found this abomination:

New Martinelli's Apple Juice

Why is it that when a beverage company finds themselves becoming more and more successful, they have to go ruin what used to be very cool glass containers and replace them with cheapo plastic ones? Same thing happened with POM and their pomegranate juice. When I first noticed them they were using these unique bulbous glass containers. Now that they're everywhere, it's still bulbous but now all plastic. Phooey. It's not like they're charging us significantly less now that they're using the cheap stuff. At least Martinelli's seems to still be giving their customers the choice of glass or plastic. =p

Comments (2)


There are a whole lot of reasons why glass is being replaced by plastic. Mostly, consumers want the option to buy plastic because glass is banned from beaches, parks, and public arenas for safety reasons. You also can't send a glass bottle in your child's lunch, and the schools can't serve glass bottles in the cafeterias, either. I was happy to see the plastic apple bottle, even though it isn't as cute as the glass one. It's what is inside that counts most to me.


Oh, I forgot....glass is not cheaper than plastic especially when you are using a special molded design like this.

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