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Carnivore Nation / Prude Nation

After running into this monstrosity of a burger, it reminded me of my old post on Wendy's 3/4lb Triple with Cheese. I think the Japanese burger would be more fun to eat than the Wendy's one though. It's also better than Burger King's contribution to this class of super burgers, the Triple Whopper with Cheese. *sigh* In my younger days I probably wouldn't have batted an eye before wolfing down one of these artery-thickening burgers of death but now I just stand incredulous. All three however, still pale in comparison to the largest hamburger in the world.

For the second time in about just as many weeks, Southwest Airlines flight attendants have been accused of forcing a passenger to cover themselves up for "inappropriate clothing". I saw what the first girl was wearing, didn't seem inappropriate to me. Now while this article about the second woman has no picture, I found the ending quote by the etiquette teacher rather interesting:

"If you wear provocative clothing, tattoos, or you smell of alcohol or cigarettes, who's going to believe you?"

Huh. So if you smoke, have a tattoo, and/or wear something a bit risqué you're a dirty, rotten liar. Nice. =p

Comments (1)


I guess I'm a dirty, rotten liar.

Thank you for the visit and link to my site, hope to see you again!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 13, 2007 3:04 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Amazon, Thou Hast Forsaken Me (A Little).

The next post in this blog is Conundrum.

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