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On a Pedestal

A few months back a good friend of mine set off to Macau after being recruited by her uncle to set up an English-teaching school there. At the time I didn't think much about it as English-teaching by expats is pretty commonplace throughout Asia. I always saw it as the fall-back job in those countries when a foreigner needed to pick up some cash or couldn't find any other form of employment. However, apparently some intrepid individuals in Hong Kong are taking it to a whole new level.

"Tutor God." Heh, I'm always amused by how the Chinese like to elevate anyone who's presumably super at something to god status. Buncha heathens. ;-p Although God of Cooking is pretty sublime. =) Anyway, things like this seem to be an uniquely Asian phenomenon. Somehow I don't see a Caucasian starting up a Chinese tutoring school in the US rising to such prominence. But I guess you never know. Stranger things have happened.

Thanks to intrepid reporter and former blogger, Andy, for the tip. ;-)

Comments (1)

haruhi dancer:

you're welcome.

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