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of silly dancing people (and toys). Most of you have probably already seen the Haruhi dance in one form or another making their rounds on the Interweb. What I hadn't realized was that apparently this isn't just a US / Japan phenomena as this summary clip makes pretty clear:

Then I stumbled upon Youtube user plamoo's pretty funtastic stop-motion animation clips. And he doesn't just have ONE Haruhi dance clip:

Gundam Edition

He has two:

Busou Shinki Edition

And as a bonus, he even has Gundams doing the Lucky ☆ Star dance:

The rest of his vids are pretty neat too watch too. Don't understand what the hell's going on but he's done a great job. Although I always wonder about the people who have the time to do stop-motion animation.

Comments (1)


Not user-generated, but... You forgot to excerpt episode 16 of Lucky Star.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 10, 2007 11:01 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Brains... BRAINS!!!.

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