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Console Hater - Musical Style

In order of console appearance in the market, first off the XBox 360:

Luckily I've never seen the "Ring of Fire" but nevertheless had my 360 replaced for the reason documented here. Next up, the PS3.

The PS3 has been disappointing since its launch although the recently released Ninja Gaiden Sigma is pretty great and there's a bunch of upcoming games that I'm looking forward to as well. And last but not least, the Wiiiiiii.....

While the Wii is definitely the most compelling and fun of the 3 systems as far as gameplay is concerned, the age-old Nintendo weaknesses: kiddy games for the most part and unimpressive graphics still hold true. While I break out the Wii when guests are over, I inevitably gravitate back towards the 360 or PS3 when home alone. But that's just me.

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