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Like father...

Playing with Dad

I recently discovered another use for my Sony PSP when hanging out with Devon on the bed. He was having a grand ol' time rolling around until I put the PSP down in front of him and slightly within reach. He immediately fixated on it and tried to grab it. Unfortunately for him the PSP is too slippery for his infantile grasping skills so I was greatly amused watching him grab away at it futilely. Now him trying to grab it wasn't the interesting part, babies'll try to grab anything you put within arm distance. It was when I moved the PSP completely out of reach that the cooler stuff started.

Basically, Dev's starting to figure out how to crawl forward. Right then and there. Prior to tonight the best he could do was move backwards involuntarily and that's only cause he would push himself up off the floor with his arms so hard that some of that motion would inch him back. Anyway, tonight he would tuck his arms further under his chest and then sorta inch himself forward. Then, a few minutes later, he would actually dig in with his feet, stick his butt in the air and push himself forward. This wouldn't work all the time. Sometimes he'd lose his balance and wind up on his side. He hasn't quite figured out that he should coordinate the two motions but I guess that'll come with time.

But apparently he really wanted the PSP. I'd start off by putting it just slightly past his reach. He'd dig in with his legs and push forward and run mouth-first into the bottom of the PSP. Then he'd bring his arms out to try to grab it and in doing so, just pushed the PSP farther away. Repeat. It was great fun watching him.

Eventually I positioned it so that he could finally latch on to it and what does he do? Gave the screen a tongue bath. Then tilted the PSP onto its side and proceeded to try to gnaw on the edge and bite off the analog stick. That's when I decided that was enough fun for the evening and regained control of my PSP. ;-p

And people say the PSP is useless. =p

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 3, 2007 11:38 PM.

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The next post in this blog is New Bags! (Part 1 of 3).

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