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yeeaah... because religion is a complete stranger to violence.

I actually played this game over the weekend and while I can't speak 100% for other first-person shooter fans, I did not, at any time, stop to think, "Oooo, this is a photo-realistic representation of the Manchester Cathedral. I'm gonna crush me some pews." At most I'll think, "Hmm... this location looks pretty cool," before moving on to the next cluster of mutated enemies to blow to bits.

I think the dean should have better things to worry about in the world besides:

"We were sickened to discover that the millions of people who play the game have a choice of weaponry to use within the cathedral."

For 99% of the players of this game out there, unless they're a church buff or live in Manchester, they will have no idea which cathedral they've been playing in. To somehow relate Manchester's gun problems with this game? Disingenuous.

Comments (3)

Don't lie, I know you like rampaging around in churches!


Heh, you got me. Although there still isn't a game out there yet that will let me raze a church to the ground. =p

Another thing about the Manchester Cathedral depiction in Resistance, it's obvious once you enter that the cathedral had been used as a field hospital (which isn't exactly far-fetched since they did that with churches all the time during WWII) so it's not like the cathedral itself was painted top to bottom with 666's or "Satan is your one true lord" graffiti. This whole thing is just lame to the umpteenth degree.

I know that Satan is *your* one true lord. I got your number.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 11, 2007 3:15 PM.

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