So I got into work this morning and took a glance at my Gmail. Normally I don't pay attention to the text ads that are placed here and there but for some reason, this caught my eye:

Why? No idea. But since I have a phobia when it comes to clicking on ads, I manually entered that URL instead into a new Firefox tab. Which brought me to a site that sells PC parts. Not exactly sure what that had to do with a Steven Seagal energy drink so I googled "Steven Segal Energy Drink" and found this link to the specific product on the site.
At a quick glance, I wasn't sure if this was a real product or not because the title is
Asian Experience???? WTF? And then it's also out of stock. And under Features, it reads, and I kid you not:
Mmmmm.... 100% pure Steven Seagal Juice! Yum! And right below that there's a warning about exploding Bawls due to cold weather during the winter months.
But apparently it is a real product, as the official website will attest. So, who's brave enough to try one?
Comments (2)
mmm.. Steven Seagal juice... mmmm....
Posted by felix | June 27, 2007 3:41 PM
Posted on June 27, 2007 15:41
Posted by kaige | June 28, 2007 2:16 PM
Posted on June 28, 2007 14:16