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Cross-generational humor?

I've recently replaced my t-shirt collection with those from Threadless and was sporting Stick Figures in Peril yesterday. While on the PATH homeward-bound, I noticed an old lady, I'm talking really old, like 70 pushing 80, a bit hunched, skinny, varicose veins all over, looking at me and smiling. When she noticed that I was looking at her she smiled again and said "I like your shirt." I gave her a smile back. Then thinking I probably couldn't hear her cause I had my earphones on, she turned to her caretaker next to her and said, "I really like his shirt."

So there you have it. Little ol' ladies like bright red shirts of a skull and crossbones depicting various ways people can meet their maker. ;-) The elderly continues to amaze me every once in awhile.

Comments (1)


could she see the stick figures? Maybe she just liked the skull.

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