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sleep is good for you. Starting a bit over a week or so ago, Erin's been forcing me to hit the hay at midnight. And for the first time, I've actually been able to stick with it. Well, more or less, sometimes I'll slip an hour, but that's at most. So no more 2-3am bed times. An extra 2-3 hours of sleep nightly is actually quite nice. I'm not dozing on the bus to and from work, my brains not all muddled during the day, and I no longer feel like I need an afternoon nap when I'm at work. So I suppose I'll keep at it.

Unfortunately, no longer staying up late nights means my blog times (and other extracurricular activities) have gone down. Between this, playing with Devon, putting photos of Devon up, keeping up with my anime list, and work getting busy, not much time for much else. And I'm still backlogged with Devon's photos.

So my next big step will be to somehow manage my time more efficiently. Not a clue how to even start with that but I think for starters I'll actually try to do the stuff that needs to be done instead of getting sidetracked by another game of MLB 07 on my PSP. ;-p

Comments (2)

Dude. Why is Gurren-Lagann not on your list. WHY.


First I've heard of it. Guess I'll check it out if I can find the fansubs since apparently it's been picked up in the US.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 25, 2007 11:13 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Stay in School, Kids.

The next post in this blog is Gaaahh....

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