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Taking it to a whole new level

It all began four years ago when I spew'd about an intrepid woman with a site asking for donations to her boob fund. Fast forward two years and you get MyFreeImplants.com. A middle man if you will, bringing together women who want bigger boobs and the men who don't mind throwing money at strangers as long as they get to see pictures of big boobs. Fast forward another two years and Felix finally notices. =) Some things just don't move at Internet speed on the Internet. ;-p

In a way I admire the entrepreneurship of the MyFreeImplants guys but as for the premise of the site.... eewww.

Comments (1)

Some of us aren't as obsessed with boobs as others of us! Ok, some of us are, we're just slow in the head. :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 25, 2007 1:30 PM.

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