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So everyone pretty much acknowledges that Americans are way too sue-happy for their own good but this one pretty much takes the cake. Umm, excuse me Mr. Hancock but, yeah it's sad that your MLB pitcher son died and all but let me see, he:

  1. Drank and drove
  2. Didn't wear a seatbelt
  3. Was speeding
  4. Was using a cellphone
And it's everyone else's fault????? Are you kidding me? Exactly what else did he need to be doing in order for you to realize your son was an idiot? Sniffing coke off the dashboard? Driving while blindfolded? Watching porn on the in-car tv? You should thank your lucky stars that he didn't kill anyone besides himself otherwise you can bet yer ass that their families would be trying to find a way to sue the hell out of you.

No sympathy here.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 24, 2007 4:15 PM.

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