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Viva Violin!

While poking around on Wikipedia looking up violinists, I started reading up on the creme de la creme's of the string family, the Stradivari. I had seen a show on the Discovery channel awhile back talking about the ice age theory as to why the instruments made by this famous luthier sounded as good as they do. I love that out of the couple of hundred Stradivari still in existence, most are accounted for, still used, and even named. That's just awesome. Interesting that two of those currently missing have the coolest names as well: Colossus and Herkules. If I was rich beyond my wildest dreams I wouldn't collect artwork, I'd collect these violins. They're works of art that can still be used to play other works of art. Is there anything else in the world that comes close? How many other things exist in the world that are 300 years old and still sound as good as they do. And that goes for the Guarneri's and Guadagnini's out there as well.

Interestingly, it seems like science has been able to finally replicate (and arguably surpass) the quality of these old Stradivari. These new Nagyvary's sound interesting. It remains to be seen if they'll stand the test of time like the Stradivari.

Comments (1)


That is super interesting.

Thanks!! :D

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