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Richter can't get no love...

Man, Andy Richter just can't get no sitcom love. First, Fox pulled Andy Richter Controls the Universe after less than a season's worth of episodes and now NBC is slamming the door in his face; yanking Andy Barker P.I. after just 4 episodes. That's just wrong. Both shows were quite funny (or had the potential to be in this most recent case) and undeserving of their early demise. Hell, 30 Rock and The Office got off to slow starts too before hitting their stride. Just ridiculous. Apparently starring a doughy white boy in a comedy sit-com just doesn't generate ratings. Although The Drew Carey Show ran for 9 years. Bleh.

Comments (2)

i only saw 1 episode of Andy Richter PI and I gotta say.. it kinda wasn't funny..


Beh, it wasn't consistently funny but it had some moments. 4 eps isn't really enough to give a series a fair shake. It took about that long or more for 30 Rock and The Office to really get going.

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