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Early morning conversation

This is the type of exchanges one has when a baby has kept you up for most of the night.

The following occurred at around 6am this morning:
Me: (woken up for unknown reason) Blrgh...
Erin: Hey, can you move baby to his crib?
Me: (a bit more awake) Oh, uh..... ok.
    Looks around for baby. Not between her and me.
Me: (thinking) Ok, maybe he's on the other side of the bed past Erin.
    Gets up, walks to the other side of the bed. No baby.
    Looks in crib. Baby sleeping, moves a little.
Me: Hey, he's already in the crib.
Erin: (no response)
Me: (slips back under the covers) @#$@#$@!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 10, 2007 11:59 AM.

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