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Changes Afoot

When I threw up this blog, holy cow 3 and a half years ago, I set it up so a bunch of folk could share in the blogging goodness. Times change and blogger attrition took its toll. Most started blogs of their own, others apparently have a really busy social life. Pshaw, who needs 'em. ;-p So I've renamed the blog to something more fitting the times and hopefully I'll get around to messing with the layout and design as well. Stay tuned...

Comments (4)


I'm not sure how it works, but doesn't everybody get a higher ranking if we trackback to you rather than posting in one location.

I guess if that's indeed true, it's still depends ppl actually posting regularly.

good times! new design is fun! I already want a new design for mine. :)


Yes, I started one of my own... but did you note when the last time I posted at my blog??? I should probably change that sometime soon.

Also, I'm thinking the Pepto pink colors are a total eyesore. Yeek....

The name is a good one!

Ben, I've always wondered why your blog design was so.... not reflective of your potential is the best way to put it! ;) Looking forward to your new design. I loved the play on words!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 19, 2007 4:44 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Copycat Reader....

The next post in this blog is Grade School Math.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.


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