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Anime for the Well Heeled

Nodame Cantabile

Thanks to a recommendation from Lee a little while ago, I started watching a funny lil' anime series called Nodame Cantabile. Brought to you from the same studio who gave us Honey & Clover I & II, the two titles share similar character design and animation but little else. While H&C was more slice of lifey and tended to amble along at a leisurely (sometimes too leisurely) pace, Nodame has a story to tell and rather quickly at that.

With the setting in a Tokyo conservatory, the series revolves around a group of classical music students so if that type of music doesn't interest you, then you may not get as much enjoyment out of it as I have. I won't guarantee that watching this will make you ga-ga for classical pieces, but if you've had any exposure to that type of music and didn't find it lacking, this series could pique your interest once more. But classical music aside, the humor is well done and it's an engaging series. Definitely worth a look. There's also a live-action version of it that you can check out if that style interests you more.

Comments (1)

the bookshops in japan were selling the piano bag nodame totes around. was tempted to get one but pity my heart was set on the little mongoose which i didn't manage to spot.

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