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Our Lil' Ninja...

Our Lil' Ninja

Felix & Maria's new line of baby clothes is starting to get some press! Rock on!

Comments (4)


I love onesies and little onesies with character! I just picked up an adorable Urban Smalls onesie that says "Chicks Dig me." Way too cute! See it here: http://www.sandboxcouture.com


Nice! There's some pretty cool stuff at Lucky Wang too. http://www.luckywang.com


Going off on a tangent...

So, what's the deal these people saying it's a golden pig year? Is that just a hoax advanced by Asian merchants to drive up consumerism, because "gold" sounds more prosperous than "fire"?

Yeah, I'm not sure what that is - what I hear is there some kind of meta 600 year cycle that makes golden fire pigs. The whole thing seems a little shady, but I guess there's a baby boom to support the idea. :)

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