I've been watching anime for what, 12 years now? I've seen pretty much every type possible yet I still keep watching. Much of it is forgettable fluff but every now and then you run into a title that makes the time spent worthwhile. Mushishi is one such title. Every episode is a mystery centered around mushi (a life-form that shares our world but can't be seen by most people) and Ginko, the one-green-eyed wanderer and one of the few who can see them and understands their world. Think ghosts and ghost hunter. One site calls it the X-Files, anime-style.
At first I wasn't too excited about this series but like some of the mushi that you'll encounter along the way, it seems to have a way of creeping into your mind and drawing you in until you reach the end of an episode and find yourself thinking, "Holy shit, this thing is good!" And good would be an understatement. Mushishi is possibly the most interesting and imaginative series that's come down the wire in a quite awhile. It's good to see that the anime industry is still capable of unveiling series such as this instead of just more endless rehashes of Dragonball Z (like Naruto and Bleach). Which aren't bad series at all but that general formula is getting old, old, old. So run, don't walk to your nearest anime BitTorrent site and check it out. ;-)