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Just another Haruhi fanboy...

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is simply the most fantastically entertaining comedy series in recent history. It can be a bit of a difficult watch because the 14 episodes are not in normal chronological order but it's so vastly comical that it's well worth the effort. The main character, Kyon's internal monologue/narration in a low-key, deadpan style overlays the general absurdity of the events taking place perfectly. And despite the craziness and complexity, at its core, the underlying message in Haruhi boils down to one singular theme. Not exactly earth-shattering but given the entire package it doesn't detract from what's just a fun journey. However, this is just wrong. And for the really obsessive hardcore Haruhi fans, there's always this.

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