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Apparently American fashion news is a bit behind the times. Gee, cute Japanese things popular throughout the world? You don't say.

Although I wouldn't really equate cute with cool though. Cute is just... cute. And not for everything. I wouldn't like my gadgets to be cute.

The quote they had from Yuri Ebihara was a little freaky though:

"If someone doesn't find me cute, I want to know why because then I'll work on it to get better at being cute."

I like things that are just inherently cute. You shouldn't have to work to be cute.

Comments (2)


Cute is good!

BTW, You couldn't go anywhere in Japan this spring without seeing Ebi-chan's face on a TV screen or plastered on some wall. Even McDonald's hired her to promote their... ebi (shrimp) burger. [I wonder if a pun was intended?]

I'd thought of her as more the sexy than cute/moe type. But, first seeing her as Hirosue Ryoko's rival in a J-drama might've influenced me.


Eh, I think Ebi-chan's ok. This girl on the other hand:


is damn cute! ;-)

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