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Valid points Lee, although I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or not. ;-) But, in case you weren't...

1. I haven't had a desire for a Mac desktop in ages. When it comes to Macs, I'm strictly mobile.
2. Are you kidding? I used to be king of the first iteration Mac products. ;-) I had the first Powerbook G3 model, first Titanium Powerbook G4, and first Aluminum Powerbook G4.
3. Isn't it $150? But yeah, that's stretching it a bit. However, since it was only a $10 premium after all was said and done...

MacBook Keyboard

Truthfully, I wasn't that gung-ho about the MacBook but I figured what the hey, I wanted to try out the whole "running WinXP through virtualization" biz. Plus it was about time for Erin's ol' Sony VAIO to be replaced anyway. ;-) But I figured I'd drop by a Mac store to take a look to be sure.

Originally I was pretty sure that the white MacBook would be good enough since I was just going to be adding more RAM and a new HD anyway. But after actually seeing the machines in person, I was not very enthused with the iPod-like white exterior. I mean it's fine for a small lil' device like the iPod but for something the size of a notebook? No thanks. The black on the MacBook's non-shiny so it doesn't collect fingerprints as easily (unless you're really slimy) and I think overall it just looks a lot more professional.

However, most people aren't as dumb and shallow as me apparently so the white MacBooks have been outselling (at least in the store that I was at) the black ones by about a 4 to 1 margin. And overall, they have been flying off the shelves so I've been told.

Anyway, some obligatory opening the box pics:

Top of the Box

Bottom of the Box

Side of the Box

First thing I noticed when they brought mine out from the back was how damn skinny the new packaging was. And still quite nice. Apple's always known how to package their products.

Open Sesame

Despite the thin box they haven't skimped on the padding. The MacBook and instruction manual/CDs are protected on both sides by this eggshell crate styrofoam blocks.

Contents Revealed

Once inside, there's not much to it. Just the power adapter, extra-length cord, remote, and notebook. A little grey box containing the instruction manual, installation DVDs, and warranty info is nestled into its own cranny underneath the notebook which you see once you lift the notebook out.

The Real Deal

The machine itself is quite impressively solid. Even though the case is plastic it doesn't feel flimsy at all (sometimes doesn't even feel like plastic for that matter). Definitely beats out my Sony S360 and Erin's Sony V505BX in that department. Probably has to do with the 5.2 lbs heft but it's also not heavy enough to be a problem. Still a little disappointed with the amount of plastic bordering the screen but oh well.

Anyway, this thing will be put on the backburner for a little while until the extra RAM (2GB) and new HD (Hitachi SATA 100GB 7200RPM) arrive. No point in installing anything yet till then. Although I am tempted to install this. =)

But I did run XBench on it and compared it to my good ol' Powerbook G4/1.25Ghz and the MacBook stomped all over it and spit in its face. The only test the MacBook lost in was the Quartz Graphics Test and that's because the MacBook has that integrated graphics BS. It'll be interesting to see if there's any change in the MacBook results once the upgraded components are in.

Anyway, I'm not planning on holding onto the MacBook for too long. Once Apple finally comes out with a 15" MacBook Pro worth getting, this one, along with my existing 15" Powerbook will be immediately sacrificed. And since the MacBook and the MacBook Pro share the same RAM and HD, I can just swap out and swap in. Can't wait. =) But in the meantime, I gotta get my dual-bootin' freak on!

Comments (2)


Yeah, if you configure the white MacBook with an 80Gb drive, it'd be $150, not $200. But, how'd you arrive at a $10 premium? That 7200rpm drive isn't gonna make you run hot, is it?

I too was suprised at the compact packaging. Apparently, it's been like that since the MacBook Pro.


Well, $100 educational discount and then another $40 know-a-guy-at-a-store discount. ;-)

Hm, well, the 7200rpm can't make it run much more hotter than it already is. ;-p

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