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Ragin' bull...

What I am going to relate right now may not be news to anyone else but me but I found it sufficiently odd to document for posterity.

One of the typical tourist attractions that we usually take out of towners to is the big bronze bull down in the Bowling Green Park near Wall Street. The bull itself has an interesting history and personally I think it's pretty well made. And since it's such a quick attraction to see, we usually swing by on the way to the South Street Seaport. Typically we'll just take a few obligatory pics near the front and be on our merry way. We haven't actually done touristy stuff during the weekends for a while now, most of the time I'll take a day or so off to take guests around during the weekday. Saner and more pleasant that way. So this was the first time I was seeing the bull on a weekend with the superb weather bringing out tourists and local residents in full force.

After taking a few pictures at the front of the beast, I noticed that there was a crowd gathered at the other end as well so we wandered back to take a look. First time I've been to that side and thus, first time I noticed that the bull's ... anatomically correct. But everyone, and I mean everyone (young, old, guy, gal) back there seemed to be having a blast getting their pictures taken while fondling the bull's massive bronze balls. The poor beast's testes may very well be the most polished part of its body. And apparently tourists aren't the only ones manhandling the bull on a daily basis. But anyway, I was fine with all this animal lovin' picture taking but while I was turning to walk away, I caught a quick glance of one European fella having his picture taken while he was in the act of... fisting the bull. It took me a few steps for the scene to register in my brain. "Wait... what the hell was that???" Was he just an anti-capitalist? But still, leave the poor molested bull some dignity at least.

Someone should sew together a giant pair of pants for the poor guy to put an end to this indignity.

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