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Game on!

I originally put this up a little over a week ago so am just linking to it now. Basically I lucked out and was actually in a Best Buy one day that had the premium XBox 360 system in stock that day. So I picked one up. And proceeded to let it gather dust in my living room for like half a month before I got a chance to set it up. So this documents my first impressions.

Comments (1)


They had a console at the Microsoft Latin America office here in Florida and it looked damn good. They only had preview titles with 10 minutes of play. Going to have to find out how much they offer them to Microsoft employees.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 2, 2006 12:55 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Uh duh....

The next post in this blog is E for Excellent....

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