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Uh duh...

I'm not entirely sure what planet Sony execs were on when they actually believed that the UMD was a viable stand-alone video platform. A year later, it's official, UMDs a proven bomb.

I tell ya they would have done sooo much better if they had just bundled the stupid things with their DVDs and maybe charge 2 or 3 bucks more per title. Who the heck wants to pay full price for a disc that you can only play on the PSP? PSPs are nowhere near being prolific enough to warrant such confidence in the platform. If they had bundled it with DVDs they would also have driven PSP adoption. Win/win in my book. Bleh, but Sony always seems to lean towards making a buck above all else so not surprising really.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 30, 2006 12:24 PM.

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