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Need... sleep...

Spent the last 2 says finalizing our move to our new place and I'm so... bleepin'... tired. Was up till 4 Saturday night and then 3 last night cleaning up and assembling one of two work desks that we got from Staples. Had to get up early today cause Circuit City is supposed to deliver sometime between 8am and 11am while Comcast is supposed to come sometime between 9am and noon.

My body's sore, my brain's exhausted, and that damn cold's mounting a comeback and yet, I don't mind so much. Cause it's our own place. =) But man, you never know exactly how much crap you've accumulated until you go through ALL your drawers and shelves. And I guess we didn't make it any easier on ourselves by choosing NOT to go with movers and doing everything ourselves.

Even though I never made a purchase from FreshDirect while at our old place, they did come in real handy this past weekend as we were able to dig up a lot of nice boxes from them from the trash room to help us cart our stuff over. ;-) Unfortunately they don't deliver to where I am now, nor do I think they will anytime soon; otherwise I may have placed an order just to say thanks.

Anyway, this is my first post from my new home. I'd post a pic but the interior is an absolute mess. Although I should probably post one anyway and do a "before and after" sort of thing but I'm too tired to get my ass off this comfy couch to dig out my wide angle lens and take some shots.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2006 8:02 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Swish!.

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