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So spacious...

Spent the morning upgrading the hard drive on my Powerbook to a Seagate Momentus 5400.2 120GB drive. That's 40GB (theoretically) more space than the 80GB that I have already and which I had basically filled up (RAW images and MP3s being the primary culprits). Was surprisingly easy to get up and running again.

At first I had thought I'd just do a fresh install of MacOS X but then I realized I didn't really want to spend the next week reinstalling all my software and reconfiguring everything. So, all I did was partition the new drive into my standard 3 parts (rejiggering some of the space allocation along the way), and then use the rockingly good Carbon Copy Cloner to copy each of my existing partitions onto their counterparts in the new drive. Then I followed the excellent instructions at PBFixit to swap my old HD with the new. Only hiccup I ran into was when I discovered that the Torx screwdriver that I had from when I had the old TiBook (T8) was too big for the 2 torx screws that I needed to remove in my current AlBook (T6). Luckily there was a local computer service shop that let me borrow the required screwdriver. Another bonus was finding the place that the extra screw that I had discovered months back was for (under the battery slot).

Put the Powerbook back together, turned it on and voila, everything's working just like normal. Wouldn't even know there was a new drive. The only thing that CCC doesn't seem to copy is the index for Spotlight since I tried to use it and got a message telling me to wait until Spotlight had finished indexing my drive (oh in about 3 hours or so). But besides that, the swap couldn't have been easier.

Later on I get to attempt to replace Erin's 40GB HD in her Sony VAIO with the 80 that I just lifted from my Powerbook. Chances are, not gonna be as simple.

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