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Seems like forever...

Looks like we won't be entirely moved in to our new place till this weekend. Which means an entire week without TV cause I just sold our 2 old ones yesterday. =( Ah well, for the better probably since I don't have the time for it. At least we have most of our moving done. Most of the stuff left to bring over are our clothes and kitchen stuff.

On the cold front, was still plagued by mucus until last night when we went out and bought a bottle of Mucinex. This shit ain't cheap but none of the normal "severe cold" and/or antihistamine medication we were taking seemed to be doing anything. But I gotta say, Mucinex seems to be pretty darn effective. No longer plagued by that batch of really sticky mucus that sorta sits at the back of your nose/throat and won't come up enough to get blown out or go down enough to get swallowed. I can't believe I'm talking about mucus on my blog but I promise, this will be the last time. =)

On the work front, I'm swamped. Tons of things going on from many different places. Of course, being in the middle of a prolonged move as well as being inflicted with an annoying cold doesn't help. Gotta get crackin'!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 30, 2006 1:06 PM.

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