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Mucus sucks!

I rarely get sick but I've been battling it out with a rather persistent cold for the past week or so. Sneaky bastard. Manifested itself as a sore throat and progressed from there. Sore throat was gone within a day or two to be replaced by a constant mucus pool that regenerates rather quickly no matter how often I clear my sinus passages. Now a sporadic cough has been introduced as well. Damn thing just won't go away. There were a few times already where I thought I had turned the corner but it just lingers, annoying the hell out of me. Grrr.... I guess it doesn't help that I have tons of stuff to do both work-wise and moving-wise so haven't been able to get enough rest. *sigh*

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 24, 2006 11:58 AM.

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