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Word play...

For lunch today I bought a bottle of Tropicana Pure Premium HomeStyle Lemonade which was pretty good. While looking at the label I noticed that it said "Made with Not From Concentrate". What's the reasoning behind such convoluted grammar? Is "Not From Concentrate" an actual product or brand? Wouldn't it make more sense to label it "Not Made From Concentrate"? I'm guessing there's something inbetween juice from concentrate and real juice that they're using here cause otherwise they'd be advertising that this was made "From Real Juice!" like you'll see on some other drinks. Of course then in fine print it says "only 5% real juice" or so some such nonsense but that's a topic for another day.

Made With Not From Concentrate

Sorry about the crap-ass picture. Cell phone cams are obviously not made for macro work. ;-p

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 22, 2005 2:54 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Steady as she goes....

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