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Winter blahs...

Butt-freezing weather here recently isn't particular conducive for photography which bites cause I've been wanting to put one of my mostly unused lenses through its paces, the Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro. Supposedly one of the sharpest lenses ever and not just for macro work.

Ah well, also picked up the Canon BG-E3 grip for my XT and it's quite nice. Adds a bit of weight to the usually light XT body but makes up for it by making the XT taller so people with big hands/long fingers have something more to grab on to plus the lower left corner of it digs (not painfully) right into the lower palm of your left hand so you have a more comfortable and stable platform when using a big lens.

The grip also comes with a battery adapter so you now have the option of using it with regular AA batteries. Not something I'll be using regularly but I can see it coming handy in a pinch.

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