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Yummy in my tummy...

For the most part I've been unimpressed by the ramen selection available in the NY/NJ area. Although it's not like I go out of my way to hunt down ramen places but nothing I've encountered so far has come close to Gomaichi greatness. Until now...

Mitsuwa in Edgewater has been undergoing alot of renovation lately in the food court area and a lot of new eateries have moved in. One of the places, named "Santoka" has the best ramen I've ever had in the area. Your taste may vary of course as Erin thinks they're too salty. They have 3 soup stocks: salt, shouyu and miso. I only like salt. And their char siu is quite superb, although a bit on the salty side as well. They also have a special char siu which as far as I can tell is a bit fattier and softer than their normal ones. Anyway, it's no Gomaichi char siu tan tan but it's very close. So until I can make my way back out to Hawaii again, Santoka will have to do. =)


If anyone has any ramen recommendations in the tri-state area, leave a comment and I'll check it out. =)

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