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Manga madness

We stopped by a Borders over the weekend and I was stunned to see the amount of manga that's now available translated to English. Equally stunning was the price for just one of these things (~$10+). Someone needs to start a Netflix site for manga. I don't think these will be something carried by local libraries.

Ah... brings me back to my youth when I would be back in Taiwan every summer and there was a store just down the street from my grandparents that just rented out manga. Would drag my cousin there and have him translate for me. =)

But anyway, damnit I need to find a way to rent these things! Although I guess I could just spend an afternoon or two making use of Border's nice chairs. =p

Comments (4)


Heh... Maybe you should open up a mangakissa like those in Japan. (kissaten = cafe).

Generally about $4/hour to read from their large manga and books collection, watch dvds, listen to cds, play videogames, browse the internet, drink all the tea and coffee you can, even crash overnight in a massage chair (sometimes even in a private room).

I what kind of money those places make?


Yeah I remember they had those in Taiwan too. They didn't charge much for actually being there but as usual they earn most of their money off of food. They probably have something like that in Flushing but too far away.


Speaking of manga kissas:


$4500 bill for ~60 days. That's $75/day!


Hey, maybe you should start something like that in America?? I have tons of tapes & stuff I can lend you to help start it off ...

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