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For all of my Maroons:

I don't know about you, but this upsets me. Macy's was the department store I knew in the New York tri-state area. It was a heart-warming bit of regional color when I went to the Chicago and saw that they had Marshall Field's. Now that is no more.

(press release follows)

Federated Announces Strategic Decisions to Integrate May Company Acquisition; Company to Focus on Building the Macy's and Bloomingdale's Brands While Increasing Profitability

CINCINNATI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 20, 2005--Federated Department Stores, Inc. (NYSE:FD) (PCX:FD) today announced a series of strategic decisions to build its nationwide Macy's and Bloomingdale's brands and reduce costs. These moves will help stimulate long-term growth in sales while taking full advantage of integration opportunities created through the merger of Federated and The May Department Stores Company, which was completed on Aug. 30, 2005.


All Marshall Field's stores will convert to the Macy's nameplate in fall 2006. This includes 62 locations in Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Indiana, Ohio and South Dakota that will continue to be operated by the Minneapolis-based division that will become known as Macy's North.

"From a shopping standpoint, customers will have the best of both worlds in major markets like Chicago, Minneapolis and Detroit. They will continue to benefit from regional buying that remains attuned to local preferences and lifestyles, plus enjoy the distinctive merchandise and shopping experience that's part of the Macy's brand," Lundgren said.

"We have great respect for the legacy and traditions of Marshall Field's, and we carefully researched customer preferences and studied alternatives before making this decision to incorporate Marshall Field's into the nationwide Macy's brand," Lundgren said. "While the store's name will change, much of what customers love will stay the same, including Marshall Field's traditions and its outstanding record of community and charitable giving. As part of this name change process, we will do everything we can to honor the Marshall Field's heritage, particularly in its Chicago birthplace."

Comments (2)


Hm, I hadn't even known that Marshall Fields was bought by Macy's. But yeah that is a shame although it is understandable why they'd want to do that.


Heh... It's causing a bit of an uproar around here. A lot of people are upset that they're doing this. Apparently, Roger Ebert has decided to boycott Fields and urged other people to do so. He's already torn up his Marshall Fields card.

I can't believe they're doing this. I worked at the flagship store on State street a couple of years ago during Christmans. I just don't know how you can take a historic location like that, slap another name on it and expect local people not to care. I mean, really....

If you really want to keep the tradition and keep people shopping there, keep the name! No one I know who's from the midwest has ever shopped at Macy's. It'll be interesting to see what happens....

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