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Podunk, NJ

Super fabulous weather this Labor Day weekend...


so took a really, really long drive down to the Wheaton Village on Sunday to take a look around. Practically deserted that day and literally in the middle of nowhere. But they had some simply gorgeous glass pieces in both the museum and gift shops. Especially with the glass paperweights. Didn't compare to the glass pieces we saw at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park but was pretty close. ;-) Anyhoo, some pics following...

Red Studs

Wall of Paperweights

Closeup of Paperweight

Silver Glass Sphere

Grey Tower

Afterwards we took a detour over to Atlantic City for a little over an hour, long enough for us to win $69 playing the slots at the Borgata. ;-p

Oh yeah, I also realized that I can start ignoring my dad when he complains about my speeding cause he drives more like a lunatic than I do.

Out the Window

Dusk @ 80mph

Squiggly Lights

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 7, 2005 12:00 AM.

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